COXWELL Family Site

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Video Page








Summer 2008 - Texas

Conor - 

Ready, aim, fire!


Patrick - goofing off


Conor -

Mr. Cool...

Clare -

Surfin' with Cousin Richard looking on.

Conor's turn

Double trouble

(with Grandpa supervising)

Cameraman just got soaked...


Clare -

waiting her turn with the cousins


Patrick and Uncle John

Patrick -

Grandpa found a snake!

Kathleen's (Mommy's) Dad's (Grandpa) side of the family

Clare being Clare

Clare and Mommy

Conor -

Mr. Slick

Clare and Cousin Emily

Conor and Uncle Don          Clare and Uncle Terry

Patrick -

Mr. Smooth

Patrick with Cousins Natalie and Angela

Clare and Mommy

Conor and Clare - - visiting with Cousin Nicholas' "baby" Lucy

Cousin Nicholas and Lucy

Clare - No fear










Patrick - Flyin' High

Conor - Flyin' High

Clare - Flyin' High

Patrick and Conor -

Ready to go!

Conor - 

In the lead

Mommy and Clare's turn

Patrick, Nonnie, G, and Cousin Natalie

Mommy and Clare - SOAKED!

Mommy and Conor - Flying High!

Patrick - Front car of Judge Roy Scream

Conor and Nonnie

Clare and Nonnie - Having Fun!

Conor - 

In front seat of bobsled - with Cousin Natalie and "G"

Conor - Speed Demon

Clare and Patrick - Running from Conor